We serve over 400 residential
apartment buildings and
offices around London
Laundry Republic was conceived in 2008 by co-founders David Lambert and Ian Walker. As management consultants in the City working long hours, travelling often and with little time left over for personal errands, they were the perfect customers for a convenient, expert cleaning service that made life easier.
They couldn’t find one.
Limited opening hours, a lack of drop-off facility and pretty patchy customer service gave David and Ian a great idea - to create a dry cleaning and laundry service fit-for-purpose for the way we live and work today.
Establishing Laundry Republic in 2009, they were immediately met with rave customer reviews. The business grew quickly, expanding its services to hundreds of buildings across London. In 2015, Laundry Republic built one of the largest and most innovative dry cleaning and laundry facilities in London, expanding it in 2020 to over 11,000 sq ft.
Since then, we’ve won awards for innovation, sustainability and the sheer quality of our service. But it’s the impact on our people, our customers and our partners that means the most to us.
We've grown our team to over 60 amazing people who all embody the core values of Laundry Republic, and served more than 40,000 wonderful customers, many of whom use us time and time again, and refer us to their friends and family.
Laundry Republic also works with charities, including Scope and Royal Trinity Hospice. With our customers’ help, we have collected nearly 15,000 kg of donated clothing since 2012, raising over £500,000 from sales in charity shops.